A cross-stitch picture of a cartoon Zoom meeting.

“A Journal of the Plague Years” in Mankato

The cross-stitch picture I submitted to the Textile Center members’ show was picked to travel to the Carnegie Art Center in Mankato. The Carnegie is a visual arts space lovingly adapted from a turn-of-the-twentieth-century Carnegie library. It was a thrill to have my picture hanging with other work I admire. (Mine is at the far left.)

Works of textile art displayed in a gallery with white walls.

In addition to works I remembered from the Textile Center’s show last fall, there were some pieces new to me. I regret not taking a photo of an ethereal white and blue banner hanging from the skylight in the central dome. Its maker told me she wove it from dental floss!

The neighborhood around the Carnegie has quite a bit of public art. I like how this statue echoes the figure of Justice atop the courthouse dome in the distance.

A stylized steel sculpture of a woman holding a radiant light source above her head.
“Luna”, by Karman Rheault

Painted grain silos with a traffic light in the foreground.

Silo Art by Guido van Helten 

This sculpture, “Duh Fans” by Lee Leuning & Sherri Treeby, had a detail I really liked:

I really dig the way the back pocket shows the wear of this fan’s wallet.


  1. Debra Efroymson
    February 27, 2024

    Yea Anne! Congratulations on getting into the show. It is a well-deserved honor. I loved getting to see your work up close in Minneapolis. I’m eager to see what you will create next!

  2. Pei-Lin Yu
    March 3, 2024

    High Fives and congratulations on this recognition and the exhibit! This is one of my favorite pieces of yours–layers of meaning and compartments of context for each caller!


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